Dr. Ma's tribute to Lucky on social media, January 5, 2015

We finally said goodbye to our beloved Lucky this morning. He passed peacefully at his bed surrounded by his human family members. Although he's not the friendliest dog in the world, he's our sweetheart always. He has been so nice and gentle to all the orphaned kittens that I fostered. He expressed his love to us unconditionally without any reserve. He gave approval to Calvin to give me a ride. He treated Gideon and Carina with lots of tolerance and patience because he knows they are part of our family, different from other kids. He's a great big brother to On On.

Thank you all who has shown kindness to Lucky. You, who took care of Lucky when I got stuck at VMTH. You, who walked Lucky during lunch time at SPCA. You, who provided medical and nursing care at Eden. You know who you are. I'm grateful for your sacrifice and friendship.

Lucky, thank you for being with us in the past sixteen years. We are blessed to have you in our lives. Things will not be the same without you. We will miss you dearly until the time we meet again ❤️

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Young Lucky with his friends - Bebe, Snowball, Faith, Hope, and Love


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Getting old with the gray hair on his face

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 With On On